Superdo is available on the App Store. We plan on adding a desktop and Android version in the future.
You can convert an item into a list by going into its Actions menu (under "...") or by dragging one item into another item.
Items and lists are by default visible to your friends, collaborators, and their friends. You can also set visibility to private, which will make it visible to you and any collaborators.
If you have not received a magic link email yet, try the following:
- double check you provided the correct email
- check your spam folder
If you received the magic link email, but clicking on the link did not redirect you back to the app, try the following:
- delete the app
- restart the phone
- reinstall the app
- try logging in again
If you're still having issues logging in with the magic link, you can try signing in with Apple instead or reach out to us at
Yes, Superdo is cloud-based and changes are updated in real-time to keep you and your friends in sync.